Photos are often the most effective way to capture and tell a story. Photos are some of the most shared content on the internet. And often, the captions aren’t too bad either (example: Men try to capture a leopard after it strayed into a residential area in the northern city of Jalandhar, India). Also, leading with photos means I can take a much-deserved day off from providing the usual story encapsulating wit and insight to which you’ve grown accustomed. From The Atlantic: 2019 in Photos: How the First Months Unfolded, A Look at the Middle Months, and Wrapping Up the Year.

+ For a more international focus, there’s this remarkable collection of the AFP’s best photos of 2019.

+ CNN: The year in pictures.

+ WaPo: A Remarkable Year in Photographs. Democracy Dies in Darkness (but it thrives in the Darkroom…)

+ Top AP photos of 2019 range from the epic to the intimate.

+ For something a little less newsy, NatGeo has a collection of the best photos of the year.

+ There are more ‘best of the year’ photo collections, but by now, I think you get the picture. So let’s broaden the scope of our timelapse. From Buzzfeed, an amazing look back at The Most Powerful Photos Of The Decade. OK, that’s it. You’ve officially been photobombed.