The Apple of My Ire
“Russian forces annexed Crimea from Ukraine in March 2014, drawing international condemnation. The region, which has a Russian-speaking majority, is now shown as Russian territory on Apple Maps and its Weather app, when viewed from Russia. But the apps do not show it as part of any country when viewed elsewhere.” In the grand scheme of things, how a digital map appears in a single region seems small. But it’s just one more example of how big tech is becoming its own form of big government. And that government might not represent the values of its constituencies. BBC: Apple changes Crimea map to meet Russian demands.
+ Apple recently banned vaping apps. Again, it’s a pretty small issue. But it’s more evidence that there’s a new sheriff in town. Daring Fireball with a roundup: L’Affaire Vaperware.
+ Of any tech company, Apple is probably the least likely to be called to task by its users (I’ve been one since the term the one percent referred to Apple’s marketshare). Nick Bilton on Teflon Tim in Vanity Fair: Apple’s carefully managed good guy aura is a powerful shield against criticism—but it may not last forever.