Feel Good Friday

“When we merged, and when they started to come up to our service, and when we went down there, it gave us the opportunity to say, Wow, these people are just like us … We’re all here lifting up the kingdom of God at the end of the day: white, black, Asian, it doesn’t matter. We all have the same purpose.” Batya Ungar-Sargon in The New York Review of Books: A Tale of Two Churches.

+ “I don’t want to hear Biden say ‘I still stutter’ to prove some grand point; I want to hear him say it because doing so as a presidential candidate would mean that stuttering truly doesn’t matter—for him, for me, or for our 10-year-old selves.” A really nice story from John Hendrickson in The Atlantic (and it’s not about politics). What Joe Biden Can’t Bring Himself to Say.

+ “Matthews said his primary motivation in seeking out the fan was ‘just to make sure that he was in a good state of mind and was enjoying the golf and wasn’t feeling bad about the situation.'” WaPo: Why a pro golfer hugged a fan whose outburst caused him to miss a crucial putt.

+ NPR: “A federal jury in Tucson, Ariz., has acquitted a humanitarian aid worker who was charged with harboring a pair of migrants from Central America after Border Patrol agents reported seeing him provide food and shelter in the Arizona desert.” (Just reading that lede shows you how sick and stupid this case was from the start. But I know, this the feel good section. I’m feeling good, I’m feeling good…)

+ Baby Abandoned Near Dumpster After Birth Is Now CEO of Company Valued at Over $62 Million. (I mean, he’s not a still baby, but I don’t write their headlines, only mine.)

+ Bleacher Report: Meet the Blind RB from Arizona Who’s Scoring Touchdowns.

+ A Blind Man Sees His Birthday Candles Again, Thanks to a Bionic Eye.

+ Tiny home village to help people transition out of homelessness.

+ They bring medical care to the homeless and build relationships to save lives.

+ LA Times: Homeless people are served a five-course dinner at an O.C. home. It’s about dignity and human connection.

+ The First and Final King of Bloodless Bullfighting: “Unlike their traditional counterparts, ‘bloodless bullfights’ have the matador dodging and weaving around charging toros in order to remove a flower attached to the animal’s back with Velcro.” (This is a slightly less dangerous version of a game I play with my cats.)

+ Springfield woman donates hundreds of dolls with prosthetic legs to Missouri hospital.

+ Meet the Good Dogs Rescuing Koalas From Australia’s Wildfires.

+ Secretive energy startup backed by Bill Gates achieves solar breakthrough. (Finally, Bill might have a decent payday…)

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