Mo Money Mo Problems

“The New York Times reviewed contracts and internal company documents, and interviewed more than 50 workers with SoftBank-funded start-ups like Oyo, the delivery firm Rappi and the real estate brokerage Compass in places such as Chicago, New Delhi, Beijing and Bogotá, Colombia. What emerged was a pattern that repeated across the world: a distinctly modern version of the bait-and-switch. ‘These start-ups try to get workers attracted to them and bring them within the fold,’ said Uma Rani, a researcher at the International Labor Organization who is surveying start-up contractors in emerging economies. ‘When the workers attach to the whole thing and are highly dependent on it, then you slash it. This is something we are systematically seeing.'” A very interesting report from the NYT: The SoftBank Effect: How $100 Billion Left Workers in a Hole. “SoftBank’s Vision Fund is an emblem of a broader phenomenon known as ‘overcapitalization’ — essentially, too much cash.”

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