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“Baboon society made so much sense. You were born into a family, and immediately everyone knew who you were and where you stood in the world. Maybe your family was high ranking enough that you got to eat the best foods and sleep in the safest trees, and maybe they weren’t, but at least you and everyone else in your world knew which it was.” How Living With Baboons Prepared Me for Living Through High School.
+ “The co-founder of global circus company Cirque du Soleil has been detained for growing cannabis on his private island in the South Pacific.” (Every Cirque du Soleil plot has been dependent on that cannabis…)
+ The Mouse That Roared: Disney plus surpasses 10 million sign-ups since launch.
+ Today in “What the hell is wrong with us…” El Chapo’s wife, Emma Coronel Aispuro, set to appear on VH1’s ‘Cartel Crew.’
+ Puppy with extra tail on his head rescued. (And he looks pretty damn cute.)