Bottom of the News

“I’m standing outside the Hall of Justice in an astronaut costume, checking and re-checking my phone to see if I’ve misread the meet-up instructions. I’m supposed to rendezvous with a man named ‘the Grim’ here at the stroke of midnight to fight street crime with a group of costumed civilians known as Xtreme Justice League (XJL), but midnight was five minutes ago and I’m beginning to wonder if they’re as made-up as they sound.” Mel: Fighting Crime With San Diego’s Real-Life Superhero Squad.

+ “Why don’t we let the elephants do the hard work of collecting all these botanicals and we will make gin from it?” AP: Special South African gin is infused with elephant dung. (If that’s the gin, I can guess the juice.)

+ And, with help from my new roommate, Bones, I’m pleased to introduce The NextDraft Cat Platform.

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