Bottom of the News

“The bizarre and unsettling events that unfolded 40 years ago this month, on October 25, 1979, have been described by scholars as ‘one of the most bizarre chapters in the history of American education.’ Many questions remain. What possessed the students? Was the Devil truly at large in the Sunshine State, among the bikinis and rollerskating retirees of South Beach? Now, for the first time, former staff and students have revealed how violence, black magic, an exile obsessed with glory, and teenaged murder created America’s high school from hell.” Jeff Maysh: Hysteria High: How Demons Destroyed a Florida School. (The word Florida almost seems redundant…)

+ “For people who want to join this online tattoo party but aren’t as ready as I have been to lend a body part to a stranger with a needle, a sneaky alternative has gained momentum online: semipermanent tattoos.” Tattoos Now Have an Exit Strategy.

+ “I was also an emotional wreck during my balloon years. That’s a common side effect, I believe, of being in love with your best friend.” Diary of an Awkward Teenage Balloon Artist.

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