WeWork Load

A few weeks ago, WeWork was being solicited to the public at a $47 billion valuation. When investors balked at that price, the house of tarot cards began to crumble. Today, WeWork’s biggest backer, Softbank, is bailing the company out. The deal Softbank is giving themselves values the company at about $8 billion. Funny how what was supposed to be worth $47 billion to you is worth a sixth of that to them. But don’t worry about ousted founder Adam Neumann, he’s “selling about $1 billion of stock and getting a $185 million consulting fee” which, as Bloomberg suggests, is “a remarkable return from a business that has never made a profit and seen its initial public offering spurned by skeptical investors.” (What’s he consulting on? How to make money via fraud?)

+ In related news, “a smart home startup from Santa Barbara called Shine Bathroom has raised $750,000 in seed funding to help build and distribute its first product: an accessory you attach to an existing toilet to make it a ‘smart toilet.'” (Might be a good place to put that WeWork S-1.)

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