Bottom of the News

“Every good love story has a moment in which the precious ingénue, blind to the complexities of the world, misinterprets the lover’s move. Sally mistakes Harry’s interest for friendship. Romeo, believing Juliet to be dead, poisons himself. The folly of love is not so much about what we do when we are flooded with feelings, but what can happen when we have incomplete data. This is perhaps why a crop of new apps has arrived, harnessing the powers of artificial intelligence, to offer relationship advice.” Wired: Flirty or Friendzone? New AI Scans Your Texts for True Love. (I’ve been married for a couple decades. At this point, the AI should just scan my texts for errands.)

+ An iPhone 11 Pro Review For Dogs.

+ Premature Dissemination: “Australian firefighters were in for a load of trouble after a fire at a cattle services building caused 100 vats of bull semen to blow early.”

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