The Art of Le Deal

Emmanuel Macron’s G-7 gambit to save the Iran nuclear deal appears to have rekindled at least of flicker of hope. BBC: G7 summit: Trump “would meet Iran’s Rouhani if circumstances right.” From Trump: “Iran is not the same country it was two and a half years ago when I came into office. I really believe that Iran can be a great nation… but they can’t have nuclear weapons.”

+ Meanwhile, stay tuned for next year’s G-7 in the US. Trump is planning to hold it at his own resort. “Trump said that his staff had scoured the country and determined that — of all America’s resorts and resort towns — Trump’s club was the best situated to host the international meeting. ‘They went places all over the country, and they came back and said, ‘This is where we’d like to be,’ Trump said. ‘It’s not about me. It’s about getting the right location.'” (It’s really gross that you guys thought it was about him and not just finding the right location. Consider yourselves set straight.)

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