Alone With Someone Else’s Thoughts

“With an eerie soundtrack meant to recall Serial, the show examined the ‘mystery’ of how McDonald’s underestimated demand for a popular dipping sauce, enraging thousands of its customers. The twist? The hard-boiled investigator scrutinizing that sauce shortage was McDonald’s itself.” NYT: Welcome to McDonald’s. Would You Like a Podcast With Those Fries? “With podcasts rising in popularity, it’s no surprise that companies are producing their own. What’s more surprising is that people are actually listening to them.” (We never stop bingeing tv shows or listening to podcasts. If I didn’t know better, I’d think we were trying to avoid being alone with our own thoughts.)

+ Variety: How Conan O’Brien and Other Top Hosts Are Tapping Into the Podcast Revolution. (I don’t have time for podcasts between my dedicated parenting, my diligent work schedule, and the 12 hours a week I spend listening to Howard Stern. BabaBooey!)

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