The Dope Show

“Though it’s difficult to know for certain, if the size of its sales force, the quantity of its shell companies, and the strength of its advertising are any indication, it appears that Yuancheng has sold more of the NPP and 4-ANPP used illicitly than any other company. It has done so not through secret underground networks or terrorist cells, but over the internet, using an army of young, perky sales representatives. Posting cheeky job advertisements on the internet and offering employees free cellphones, it’s a poison factory operating in plain sight.” The Atlantic with an excerpt from Ben Westhoff’s upcoming book on Fentanyl. The Brazen Way a Chinese Company Pumped Fentanyl Ingredients Into the U.S.

+ Vice: Mexican Smugglers Hid 4 Tons of Weed in a Truck Full of Jalapeños. (I’m not sure if this is a crime or the beginnings of a great idea for a restaurant chain…)

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