Haute or Not

Can the woke generation remake Playboy for modern times? (Why they’d want to is a question for another time.) According the NYT, magazine fans can expect “a newer, woke-er, more inclusive Playboy — if you believe what company executives tell you, and if you are inclined to give an aging brand yet another chance at reinvention.” This time around, the covers and centerfolds will be less dirty and more metaphorical (finally, something to turn on an old English major like me.) “In his office, Shane Singh, Playboy’s executive editor, explained that the underwater photo shoot, to be photographed that weekend, was for the magazine’s cover — but not in the way that older, leering readers might expect. ‘The water is meant to represent gender and sexual fluidity,’ Mr. Singh said.” (Yeah, and the bunny ears are meant to represent animal rights…) At least when Millennials say they just read Playboy for the articles, they’ll actually mean it…

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