Crime in Progress
“The man turns and approaches the coach, raising his cellphone to record the encounter. ‘You’re going to f—ing jail!’ the man says. The man lays into the coach for what seems like forever. Benjamin tries to focus on his workout, but it’s no use. He gathers his stuff and walks off the track, trying to process the stranger’s words: He molested me at UCLA. What the stranger didn’t know was that Benjamin himself had been molested by Mainwaring — only nine hours earlier. Nor did the stranger realize that he had just pulled a thread that would begin unraveling the mystery and misdeeds of Conrad Mainwaring, a former Olympian who coached Olympic-level athletes, including a two-time gold medalist.” An Outside the Lines report from Mike Kessler And Mark Fainaru-Wada: 44 years. 41 Allegations. How the past caught up to a former Olympian. (This story’s terribleness stands on its own. But it also brings up a critical question: How can these crimes go on, unpunished, for so damn long? Cosby, Epstein, Nassar, R. Kelly, Sandusky, Mainwaring … the list goes on and on, and it often takes heroic acts of journalism, to bring down a perpetrator. What about the stories that don’t get coverage?)
+ Buzzfeed: Olympic organizations and the FBI knew Larry Nassar was abusing young gymnasts but didn’t do anything for over a year.
+ USA Today: Sex trafficking is behind the lucrative illicit massage business. Why police can’t stop it. “Law enforcement’s tough-on-trafficking rhetoric fizzled after initial headlines. Charges were dropped or pleaded down. Spas often popped up in the same or new locations. And any notion of going after higher-ups who profit from trafficking, including international crime figures bringing women from overseas, never materialized.”