Bobby Three Sticks to the Story

Robert Mueller threw the book at ’em. Democrats sought to have Mueller confirm and elaborate on the findings of his report. Republicans sought to position the whole hearing as being part of some elaborate conspiracy. And Robert Mueller continually referred back to what he delivered in his book-length report. Yes, the Russians hacked our elections to help elect Donald Trump. No, the report did not exonerate the president when it comes to obstruction of justice. And, of course, the investigation was not a witch hunt. Those on team reality knew these things going into the hearing. I don’t see how anyone who’s watched Trump over the past two years (or even the past two weeks) and still approves of him can have their minds changed by anything Mueller might say. The bigger picture here is that Russia targeted America’s elections and the administration has done nothing to protect us from a similar efforts in the future. In fact, there’s been no presidential acknowledgment that the Russian hacking took place. That obstruction of justice, happening right before our eyes, is the most dangerous of all. Here are the latest updates from CNN and WaPo.

+ NPR: Asked whether Russia would attempt to attack future U.S. elections, as it did in 2016, Mueller replied: ‘They’re doing it as we sit here.'”

+ When asked about Trump’s repeated praise for WikiLeaks, Mueller said, “Problematic is an understatement.” I’d say that pretty well describes the last two years in American history.

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