Ice Capades

Jonathan Blitzer in The New Yorker on cruel policies poorly executed: ICE Agents Are Losing Patience with Trump’s Chaotic Immigration Policy.”I don’t even know what we’re doing now … A lot of us see the photos of the kids at the border, and we’re wondering, ‘What the hell is going on?’ … No one built up the infrastructure to handle this, and now people are suffering at the border for it. They keep saying they were caught flat footed. That’s a bald-faced f-cking lie.” (Those are going around these days…)

+ AP: “The acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection says he’s stepping down amid outrage over his agency’s treatment of detained migrant children.” Does that mean we’ll get an acting-acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection? No, but an acting director of another agency is moving over. From the NYT: “Chaos intensified on Tuesday inside the agency responsible for securing the nation’s borders as a top official was replaced by an immigration hard-liner and former Fox News contributor who last week pushed for nationwide deportations.”

+ Texas Tribune: People want to donate diapers and toys to children at Border Patrol facilities in Texas. They’re being turned away.

+ CNN: We went to a border detention center for children. What we saw was awful.

+ NBC News: The cost of holding migrant children who have been separated from their parents in newly created ‘tent cities’ is $775 per person per night. (For that kind of money, they might as well stay at Mar-a-Lago…)

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