Tariff I Can’t Have You

“Trump said he thinks Mexico wants to reach an agreement to stop a new trade war – one that analysts believe might tip its economy into a recession – while a White House trade adviser and senior Republican U.S. lawmaker predicted that Washington might not introduce the proposed tariffs.” It’s looking less likely that we’ll see tariffs on Mexican goods. (In addition to the tariffs having almost no support on either side of the aisle or the border, this just isn’t a problem you can punish your way out of…)

+ WaPo: “The Trump administration is canceling English classes, recreational programs and legal aid for unaccompanied minors staying in federal migrant shelters nationwide, saying the immigration influx at the southern border has created critical budget pressures.” Meanwhile, the numbers continue to rise. “The Central American migration boom that has swamped U.S. authorities grew even larger in May, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics released Wednesday that show more than 144,000 migrants were taken into custody, a 32 percent jump from April.”

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