Feel Good Friday

Earlier this week, I launched a new program with my friends over at the excellent Donors Choose. Any donation you make to any classroom(s) will be doubled by a matching donor. We’ve already funded thousands of dollars worth of classroom projects. And the dollar-matching program remains in place (just remember to enter the promo code nextdraft). Let’s use NextDraft to create a little good news. Support teachers and students today, and double your money.

+ We froze the salaries of 20 executives – and it improved the lives of 500 employees.

+ How does a rural Colorado county with three people per square mile send 30 students to an Ivy League institution?

+ “We were very interested to hear your suggestions about psychics and dragons, but unfortunately we are not currently doing any work in either of these areas. I am therefore returning your bribe money, and I wish you all the very best in your quest for telekinesis, telepathy and dragons.” New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has rejected a bribe from an 11-year-old girl who wrote asking her government to conduct dragon research. (At least the girl has a good grasp of how government works…)

+ He couldn’t speak as a child. Now this autistic student is giving a commencement address.

+ Five ducklings were rescued from a storm drain while their mom paced nearby, and ducks caught on traffic camera waddling over Brisbane motorway got a police escort to safety.

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