Ven: The Sh*t Hits the Fan
“Speaking to reporters near the airstrip, Mr. Guaidó said that a wide swath of the military now backed him, including top commanders, but he declined to release their names. ‘There are generals, there are lieutenant colonels, there are majors, there are colonels — it’s a reflection of the country.'” After years of strife and a bottomless pit of economic calamity, Juan Guaidó is leading what he described as the Venezuelan opposition’s “final phase of Operation Freedom,” its most significant effort to wrest control of country from President Nicolás Maduro. The big question: How much of the military will join the revolt? The most shocking video thus far shows a group of opposition protestors being run over by Venezuelan national guard military vehicle. The situation is very much in flux and, even by the standards of recent Venezuelan history, unstable. Here’s the latest from the NYT, CNN, and The Guardian.
+ AP: Photos: Opposition leader attempts military uprising in Venezuela.