Weekend Whats
What to Stream: I like my music festivals without the heat, the crowds, the dirt, the influencers, and the tone-deaf people singing louder than the acts. So yeah, I like them streamed into my living room. Lucky for me (and you), that’s all the rage these days. Kick off Coachella the right way: On YouTube, and at room temperature.
+ What to Doc: The excellent Billy Corben is back with his latest documentary. This time he takes on the Florida steroid scene and its impact on Major League Baseball and some of its biggest stars. But you don’t need to be into baseball to watch this doc. It’s filled with remarkably entertaining characters, and as is the case with much of Corben’s work, the most entertaining character of all might be Florida. Check out Screwball.
+ What to Peabody: “The Peabody Awards Board of Jurors has announced the 60 nominees that represent the most compelling and empowering stories released in broadcasting and digital media during 2018.” So you oughta be able to find something of interest here.