Yesterday Came Sudan Flee

“Sudan’s president was deposed Thursday the same way he came to power 30 years ago — in a military takeover. Omar Hassan al-Bashir’s downfall, however, did not come with the flying bullets or middle-of-the-night escapes many expected from a leader who survived numerous past crises. Instead, the biggest peaceful demonstrations in a generation precipitated his ouster, though the hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in Khartoum received the announcement of new military leadership Thursday with a mixture of disappointment and disbelief.” WaPo: Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir is ousted by military.

+ “It shows a young woman in a traditional Sudanese outfit called the thobe. She is standing on the roof of a white car. Her index finger is pointing to the sky, and she is surrounded by a sea of protesters — mostly women. They are holding their cellphones up, directed at her and they are capturing the moment.” Here’s the story behind the iconic image of the Sudanese woman in white.

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