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“After weeks of frame-by-frame analysis, here it is: every on-screen death from the first seven seasons of Game of Thrones, including who, how, why and where. But be warned, these numbers will undoubtedly rise.” WaPo: An illustrated guide to all 2,339 deaths in Game of Thrones.
+ “The unlikely and unshaven pair will square off at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto, which seats about 3,000, where they will debate whether capitalism or Marxism leads to happiness. News of their debate, which has been in the works since last year, has been greeted with giddiness from their respective fan bases, and fervent eye-rolling elsewhere. Two Famous Academics, 3,000 Fans, $1,500 Tickets. Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Zizek will face off later this month in Toronto. So exciting … or so what? (Unlike Paper or Plastic, this one has an easy answer…)