Weekend Whats

What to Watch: “Nadia keeps dying and reliving her 36th birthday party. She’s trapped in a surreal time loop — and staring down the barrel of her own mortality.” Natasha Lyonne is excellent in the dark-ish comedy, Russian Doll on Netflix. Lyonne’s excellent work in this series provides a good reminder to go back and watch the most excellent, Slums of Beverly Hills.

+ What to Doc: If you couldn’t get into Studio 54, the club, you can at least watch Studio 54, the documentary.

+ What to Read: “We do not know how to manage the new technologies that put liberalism at a disadvantage in the struggle. Many of us do not care to wage the struggle at all. Some find the authoritarian critique of liberalism compelling; others value liberalism too little to care if the world order that has sustained it survives. In this new battle of ideas, we are disarmed, perhaps above all because we have forgotten what is at stake.” Robert Kagan provides a good overview of the struggle of our times in WaPo: The strongmen strike back. “Authoritarianism has reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic world … And we have no idea how to confront it.”

+ What to Thrash: Thrasher editor Jake Phelps passed away this week. A couple years ago, Willy Staley wrote a memorable profile of him in California Sunday Magazine: “I had spent only a few minutes with Jake Phelps before someone called him an asshole.”

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