Gag Reflex
He couldn’t help himself. He had been arrested and arraigned. He had been warned. He had been given a partial gag order. And still, Roger Stone couldn’t resist posting “a photo on Instagram of the judge with what appeared to be crosshairs of a gun.” Roger Stone is among America’s singular personalities, but this particular behavior, while reckless, might not be that unique. We’ve seen countless public figures and celebrities damage their reputations because of social media postings. And it’s easy to imagine that many of Trump’s tweets can and will be used against him in the Mueller report (and perhaps beyond). In addition to being the lead characters in the craziest political story of our lifetimes, Trump and his lackeys may be representative of a more universal malady: Social Media Addiction. (I hate to be the one to share this news, but I just couldn’t help myself). In the meantime, the judge in Stone’s case has ordered him “to appear in court to consider whether to revoke his bail.” (Roger might want to bring his jammies.)