Bottom of the News

“Bay Area prosecutors were trying to prove that a man arrested during a prostitution sting was guilty of pimping charges, and among the evidence was a series of Instagram DMs he’d allegedly sent to a woman. One read: ‘Teamwork make the dream work’ with high heels and money bag emoji placed at the end. Prosecutors said the message implied a working relationship between the two of them. The defendant said it could mean he was trying to strike up a romantic relationship. Who was right?” The Verge: Emoji are showing up in court cases exponentially, and courts aren’t prepared.

+ She “is the first artist to claim the top three spots on the Hot 100 since the Fab Four did it in 1964.” Ariana Grande Has Matched A Feat Last Achieved By The Beatles. (And that doesn’t begin to explain how much time my daughter spends listening to her, thinking about her, and above all, talking about her.)

+ Wired: Why a grape turns into a fireball in a microwave.

+ French fencing body recognizes lightsaber dueling as a sport.

+ Reminder. I’m on the road this week. NextDraft will be back on Friday.

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