Weekend Whats

What to Read: “In April 2018, a blind man with one foot robbed a bank in Austin, Texas. This is a heist story—but unlike any you’ve ever read.” From Atavist: The Desperado. Plus, Greg Nichols’ Secrets and Wives, a true story that picks up right where Scorsese’s GoodFellas left off. “There wasn’t much that was true about Martin Lewis. He didn’t just have a double life, he stacked up secret lives like Russian nesting dolls. He was already married and had a house across town where he lived with his wife and two teenage children. And that was just the icing. His real name was Henry Hill, and everyone close to him wore targets on their backs.”

+ What to Hear: In my house, there is only one Weekend What this weekend. And my daughter started playing it about 6AM and it will likely continue on a loop for the foreseeable future. Ariana Grande’s new album is out. Thank you, next. (Thart’s the name of the album, not my review.) Related: How is it possible that the hottest star in pop isn’t performing at the Grammys? Still want to watch? Get warmed up with 10 Sessions From Grammy-Nominated ‘World Cafe’ Guests courtesy of NPR.

+ What to Watch: Tired of endlessing browsing through Netflix titles? Here’s a look at The 10 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now.

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