Weekend Whats

What to Doc: Come for the weird Nixon back tattoo. Stay for the even weirder everything else. On Netflix, Get Me Roger Stone. Also on Netflix, an interesting look at Fyre, the greatest party that never happened (the spelling error in the festival’s name served as a decent warning sign). And don’t miss the Monday night debut of an HBO documentary on two remarkably interesting and entertaining NYC newspaper columnists Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill. Breslin and Hamill: Deadline Artists. They were kings of an industry that has evaporated. “In 1988, the New York Daily News, the tabloid both Breslin and Hamill called home at times, had 400 reporters and editors. Thirty years later, that number was 45.”

+ What to Read: “Ten days before I met him at his home in British Columbia, Dave Asprey went to a clinic in Park City, Utah, where a surgeon harvested half a liter of bone marrow from his hips, filtered out the stem cells, and injected them into every joint in his body ‘Hey, I’m unconscious, you’ve got extra stem cells—put ’em everywhere!’ Everywhere meaning his scalp, to make his hair more abundant and lustrous; his face, to smooth out wrinkles; and his ‘male organs,’ for—well, I’ll leave that part up to your imagination.” Rachel Monroe in Men’s Health: The Bulletproof Coffee Founder Has Spent $1 Million in His Quest to Live to 180. (He should open up 75 news tabs every morning. I’m already 180.)

+ What to Newsletter: I always find something of interest in Recomendo, a weekly newsletter that gives you 6 brief personal recommendations of cool stuff.

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