Being There

Ahead of Trump’s border wall address, Chuck Grassley urged the president to deliver his remarks as if he were talking to “Iowans not New Yorkers.” What stands out about that advice is that neither one of those places is anywhere near the border. “As of 2017 … people who lived less than 350 miles from the border were the least likely to support Trump’s wall. In other words, the people supposedly on the front lines of what Trump calls a crisis are those least inclined to support the proposed solution to it.” Vox: What’s actually happening at the US-Mexico border.

+ NYT: On the Border, Little Enthusiasm for a Wall: “We Have Other Problems That Need Fixing.”

+ The Conversation: Is there a crisis at the US-Mexico border? 6 essential reads.

+ Facts rarely pierce the walls of the Oval Office, but this one might cause a stir: the Democrats’ rebuttal got higher ratings than his speech.

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