Feel Good Friday

“The museum’s staff credited the huge boost in visitors to the recovery of tourism in Paris after the 2015 terror attacks, as well as a big exhibition devoted to Romantic artist Eugène Delacroix. But they also paid credit to the Carters.” How Beyoncé and Jay-Z helped bring a record number of visitors to the Louvre.

+ Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ideas. Meet the Pizza Lady.

+ All children to learn CPR and basic first aid in UK schools.

+ Austrian women celebrate country’s first same-sex marriage.

+ 11-year-old boy pulls a drowning man from the bottom of a pool and saves his life.

+ What makes people happy? One woman walked 7,000 miles to find out.

+ Social Worker Led Frugal Life To Leave Nearly $11 Million To Children’s Charities.

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