Weekend Whats

What to Bruuuuce: I have had my couch warmed up for this for months. This Sunday, Springsteen on Broadway comes to Netflix. I saw the show live. It’s as good as you’ve heard. The soundtrack is out now.

+ What to Envy: “For the fifth or fourth or seventh (whatever, they all run together in a vortex of envy) consecutive year, this magazine’s editors forced us to come up with articles we wish we’d thought of first. Journalism so good it makes us question our career choices.” Bloomberg’s annual Jealousy List. And from Pocket: The Top Reads of 2018.

+ What to Hear: Everyone, it seems, has a year-end best music list. Here are a few that caught my ear. The fifty best albums from Rolling Stone, The New Yorker’s favorite songs, Pitchfork’s 100 Best Songs of the Year, and the The 51 Best Albums of 2018 from Spin.

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