Vested Powers

From the BBC: “Fuel tax rises which have led to weeks of violent protests in France have now been postponed for six months. The move was announced in a televised address by PM Edouard Philippe, who said anyone would have ‘to be deaf or blind’ not to hear or see the anger.”

+ The Atlantic: France’s Fuel-Tax Protests Expose the Limits of Macron’s Mandate. “These new measures and conversations may curb the protests, but they probably won’t put an end to them. What’s happening in France has gone far beyond the fuel tax and spiraled into something more. It has become a vast and unpredictable reservoir of discontent that many other forces—political, apolitical, violent, nonviolent—are eager to draw on.” There are many factors driving this uprising that are unique to France. But the increasingly angry public reaction to the growing economic divide is becoming a near-universal issue.

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