Dropping a Jeff Bomb

“In February 2016, Mr. Sessions became the first sitting senator to endorse Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign, and in the months leading up to the election, he became one of the candidate’s closest national security advisers.” Things changed early and often in a relationship that took center stage in the country’s legal battles and the president’s personal ones. As of Wednesday morning, the relationship is over. NYT: Trump Forces Out Jeff Sessions as He Cleans House After the Midterms. (So much for the post-election news cycle lull…)

+ If you live around the DC area, you shouldn’t be concerned if your lights dim briefly. It’s just Bobby Three Sticks firing back up the indictment machine. “In the run-up to Election Day, there were no indictments or public pronouncements by the special counsel’s office, in keeping with Justice Department guidelines that prosecutors should avoid taking steps that could be perceived as intending to influence the outcome of the vote.” WaPo: With the midterms over, Mueller faces key decisions in Russia investigation.

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