What to Sandman: There’s been a lot of heavy news lately and you’re due for an escape. Adam Sandler has one for you. It’s not another meh movie. It’s stand-up. It’s fun. It’s like the Hanukkah song for an hour. On Netflix, Adam Sandler, 100% Fresh. (This recommendation will be especially appreciated in those states where recreational marijuana is now legal.)

+ What to Anticipate: Next month, Bruce Springsteen’s amazing Broadway show will end its run. But that means a Netflix special and a new album based on the show will be released. For a taste of what’s to come, here’s Land of Hope and Dreams from Broadway.

+ What to Consider: My friend (and high school student) Odessa Goldberg put together a short tribute in honor of those who have lost their lives to violence – and a call to the rest of us not to remain silent. First They Came.

+ What to Watch: This could be the most Buzzfeedy, YouTubey, Internety story ever. How I Became A Celebrity In China By Losing My Cellphone.