Mourn Ultimatum

President Trump was asked by Pittsburgh city leaders not to visit on the day the Tree of Life victims were being buried. Many invited leaders from the region and beyond have refused to join the president on his visit. But he’s going anyway. WaPo’s lede sums it up: “A mourning family doesn’t want to meet him. Leaders of his own party declined to join him. The mayor has explicitly asked him not to come. And yet President Trump plans to visit this grief-stricken city Tuesday, amid accusations that he and his administration continue to fuel the anti-Semitism that inspired Saturday’s massacre inside a synagogue.” (Reminder: Trump held a rally hours after the massacre and followed that up with a tweet about the World Series.) Here’s the latest from CNN.

+ “We’re here to take care of sick people. We’re not here to judge you. We’re not here to ask ‘Do you have insurance?’ or ‘Do you not have insurance?’ We’re here to take care of people that need our help.” WaPo on the powerful humanity of the Jewish hospital staff that treated Robert Bowers. From Allegheny General Hospital president Jeffrey K. Cohen: “The gentleman didn’t appear to be a member of the MENSA society. He listens to the noise, he hears the noise, the noise was telling him his people were being slaughtered. He thought it was time to rise up and do something. He’s completely confused.”

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