Life in the Fast (Food) Lane
“The top five health drivers that explain most of the future trajectory for premature mortality are high blood pressure, high body mass index, high blood sugar, tobacco use, and alcohol use… Air pollution ranked sixth.” Everyone’s favorite Vulcan/Philosopher advised others to “live long and prosper.” Americans are doing well on the latter. But we’re starting to lag on the former. From Bloomberg: Americans Lose in 2040 Global Life Expectancy Rankings.
+ So how are we prospering but not enjoying the life expectancy one associates with prosperity? There are several factors. This, from the NYT, could certainly be one: Fast Food: It’s What’s for Dinner. And Lunch. And Breakfast. “More than a third of adults in the United States patronize fast-food restaurants and pizza parlors on any given day. And the higher their income, the more likely they are to do so.”