Feel Good Friday

Drumroll Please… Check out this guy from the Baltimore Ravens Marching Band playing perfect air drums to Rush’s Tom Sawyer.

+ The internet likes funny. The internet likes animals. The internet loves the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.

+ It turns out, it’s at least somewhat possible to dislodge a kidney stone by riding a roller coaster.

+ She helped save his life. 28 years later, he turns up in her preemie ward — as a doctor.

+ “I saw videos about people helping the homeless and I decided I really wanted to chip in.” 11year old Ashton Brown’s dream of helping the homeless comes true. (When I was 11, my biggest dream was to be able to eat sugary cereals…)

+ This school janitor has quietly been giving homeless students clothes, soap and more.

+ He spent 27 years wrongly convicted of murder. He wants to spend the rest of his life encouraging inmates to read.

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