It’s Showtime at the Appalling

“Every week is remarkable. Practically every day is bizarre. So how to describe days that are even more remarkably and bizarrely unprecedented than the last? … It’s as if the reality television show that has consumed the nation’s capital for 20 months is working its way toward a jaw-dropping season finale, but the tension is never relieved.” Boston Globe: President Trump’s Washington: The cliff-hanger that never ends.

+ OK, back to the show. AP: Trump wants Sessions to investigate op-ed writer. Meanwhile, Rand Paul suggests using lie detectors to figure out who wrote anonymous criticism of Trump. (If they turned on a lie detector in this White House, the whole country would blow a fuse….)

+ “The way in which the news media are being corrupted—even an outlet like the Times, which continues to publish remarkable investigative work throughout this era—is one of the most insidious, pronounced, and likely long-lasting effects of the Trump Administration.” Masha Gessen in The New Yorker: The Anonymous New York Times Op-Ed and the Trumpian Corruption of Language and the Media.

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