Feel Good Friday

In Marseille, it’s a tradition to let a fan take the ceremonial pre-match kick-off. This kid made the most of it. And then some.

+ “A bullied 10-year-old in Desert Hot Springs, California, says he refused to fight back despite being sent to the hospital because ‘it’s not the Jedi way.’ Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill praised him on Twitter.” (It’s not often you see the words praise and Twitter in the same sentence. But hey, this is Feel Good Friday!)

+ “The Ocean Cleanup, an effort that’s been five years in the making, plans to launch its beta cleanup system, a 600-meter (almost 2,000-foot) long floater that can collect about five tons of ocean plastic per month.”

+ California lawmakers just voted to make all its electricity emissions-free by 2045.

+ A couple’s love story started with a CPR kiss.

+ Microsoft will require suppliers to offer paid parental leave.

+ Ariana Grande performed Natural Woman at Aretha’s funeral. (Think of how much bigger NextDraft would be if, instead of covering news, I just covered the relationship between Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson…)

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