Beach Balls

Vinod Khosla has ninety nine problems but a beach ain’t one. In fact, he really doesn’t care much about the beach or the property he owns on it. But somehow, in a story that is uniquely SIlicon Valley, “the aggressive, shameless, obsessive and optimistic, tech billionaire” has still litigated the case of beach access on his property all the way to the highest court. And the ramifications could be far reaching (even though he doesn’t really want them to be). Let’s coast into the weekend with the ultimate beach read from the NYT’s Nellie Bowles: Every Generation Gets the Beach Villain It Deserves. “Now, by dint of his character, which ticks all the major boxes of the venture capitalist archetype — aggressive, shameless, obsessive and optimistic — Mr. Khosla could disrupt the entire California coastal system. The stakes are both enormous and hilariously low.
If he wins, he could reshape the laws that govern 1,100 miles of shore. And if he loses, all he would be forced to do is apply for a permit to change the hours of operation on a single gate. The legal volleys would undoubtedly continue; Californians do not easily give up a good surf spot. But the last person against whom to wage a war of attrition is Vinod Khosla.”

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