Weekend Whats

What to Doc: If you’ve never watched the Vietnam War documentary series from Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, I have good news for you. First, it’s available on Netflix now. Second, it’s remarkable. And third, there’s never been a better time to watch it. The parallels to today’s American divide are everywhere, from what it takes to get the truth out of a president to what it means to be patriotic. It will also put today’s stories into some perspective. Consider this stat: After the Kent State shootings, 58% of Americans blamed the students.

+ What to Pod: Season Two of the Slowburn podcast is out. This time, they’re focusing on Clinton, Lewinsky, and the scandal that nearly ended a presidency. If you missed the first season on Watergate, fix that right away. The similarities to today’s headlines will be jaw-dropping.

+ What to Hear: There’s almost nothing that my wife, two kids, and I agree on completely. The exception is that we all dig Twenty One Pilots. Their new album is due in October. Their arena tour is selling out (luckily, someone’s dad was on it!), and you can hear three new songs on their site or your music service of choice.

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