Weekend Whats

What to Know: You can’t really understand Putin and the Russia story (and by extension, the Mueller investigation, the Helsinki Summit, and the potential of collusion) unless you understand the Magnitsky Act. And you can’t understand that without Bill Browder. Preet Bharara’s two interviews with Browder should be required listening for every American. Part 1: Seeking Justice for Sergei Magnitsky. And Part 2 (released this week): Putin Enemy Number 1. Consider this homework. Luckily, it happens to be remarkably entertaining and informative homework.

+ What to Stream: I’m a huge fan of music festivals — but I usually enjoy them more from the comfort of my couch (no crowds, easy parking, roughly the same contact high). This weekend, join me in watching Lollapalooza live from Chicago on RedBull TV (they have gotten really good at these broadcasts).

+ What to Hear: Need a decent playlist for this weekend’s roadtrip? NPR has put together The 200 Greatest Songs By 21st Century Women. (And they’ve created an associated playlist on your music service of choice.)

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