The Qwerty Dozen

The witch hunt has led to another dozen indictments: “Twelve Russian intelligence officers were indicted on charges they hacked into Democratic email accounts during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and released stolen information in the months before Americans headed to the polls … The indictment — which comes days before President Donald Trump holds a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin — was the clearest allegation yet of Russian efforts to meddle in American politics.”

+ Rod Rosenstein: “It is important for us to avoid thinking politically as Republicans or Democrats and instead to think patriotically as Americans. Our response must not depend on who was victimized.” Meanwhile, President Trump signals that he’ll give Vlad a(nother) pass. “I don’t think you’ll have any ‘Gee I did it, I did it, you got me. There won’t be a Perry Mason here — I don’t think. But you never know what happens, but I will absolutely firmly ask the question, and hopefully we’ll have a very good relationship with Russia.” Here’s the latest from CNN.

+ Here’s a weird coincidence. “July 27, 2016, Trump: ‘Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.’ Indictment: That evening, Russian operatives targeted Clinton campaign emails ‘for the first time.'” If there’s one thing we’ve learned about the Russians, it’s that they’re listening.

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