Red Player One
From NATO meetings to the Capitol Hill hearings, there is one name dominating world events. And it’s not who you think it is. Yes, Trump dominates the headlines. But it’s Vladamir Putin who is pulling all the levers of global power and watching as the fruits of his nefarious global efforts pay off time after time. (Trump only helps.) To succeed in today’s global marketplace, you need an effective personal brand. Given Putin’s recent successes, one could argue that having the brand is more critical than leading a thriving nation. Here’s WaPo on The Branding of Vladimir Putin. “Two decades of efforts by Kremlin specialists have chiseled an international icon of inscrutability and might out of a former municipal bureaucrat who wore ill-fitting suits. Russia’s allure no longer revolves around Tchaikovsky and Tolstoy; today, the attraction centers on a squinting, clenched-jawed and occasionally shirtless president.”