Border State of Mind
“I wonder what will finally placate the fearful people 1,500 miles away who sent these border agents and National Guard troops to the borderlands. More checkpoints, more families detained, vaster tent cities? Maybe the wall they dream of? For most people, or most open-minded people, a simple visit might be enough to be reassured that this is not a scary place.” WaPo: I’m from the border. The news is getting it wrong. (Editor’s note: The news you’ve been reading via NextDraft is getting it right. But this is still a worthwhile read.)
+ Immigration isn’t a problem for this Texas town — it’s a way of life.
+ “The Gulf of Maine is not a major route for illegal immigrants sneaking into the United States … If anything, people are sneaking the other way. They’re trying to get out of the U.S. and into Canada to claim asylum.” Toronto Star: US Border Patrol questions crews of at least 10 fishing vessels in Canadian waters. (I can’t decide who I’m more afraid of: Canadian fishermen or Central American toddlers.)