Dad Baud

How Old Are Successful Tech Entrepreneurs? The answer might surprise you. “The researchers find that, contrary to popular thinking, the best entrepreneurs tend to be middle-aged. Among the very fastest-growing new tech companies, the average founder was 45 at the time of founding. Furthermore, a given 50-year-old entrepreneur is nearly twice as likely to have a runaway success as a 30-year-old.” (This just makes us look all the more ridiculous riding around on those scooters…)

+ Breath of the Wild Success: “The outside world is wondering how a company periodically left for dead keeps revitalizing itself. But seesawing is nothing new for Nintendo. It has long alternated between fallow periods, in which the media churns out reports of pending doom, and boom times, during which Nintendo Mania is cast as an unstoppable force. What remains constant is the company’s understated and zealously guarded culture.” Bloomberg: The Legend of Nintendo.

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