Using Users

“Amid a nationwide opioid epidemic, treatment remains out of grasp for most people struggling with addiction. Those with wealth and insurance often are able to pay thousands of dollars for private long-term programs. But the less fortunate have become easy prey for rehabs with a tantalizing promise: freedom from addiction for free.” Well, not exactly free. A special report from Reveal: All Work. No Pay. Drug users got exploited. Disabled patients got hurt. One woman benefited from it all.

+ The Verge: Predatory Behavior Runs Rampant In Facebook’s Addiction Support Groups. “Huge groups of vulnerable people looking for help are a rehab marketer’s dream.”

+ OJ Simpson could open one right now, which would obviously be called ‘The Juice Cleanse,’ and there would be nothing standing in his way.” John Oliver explains why the American rehab industry is such a disaster.

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