Sticking it To Demand
“I hereby demand…” So began the latest presidential Tweetstorm in which President Trump called for the Justice Department to examine whether his campaign was infiltrated or surveilled for political purposes. Though they are not used to receiving presidential demands, the Justice Department has called for an inquiry.
+ Buzzfeed sums up the situation pretty well: “The Tweet could set up a constitutional crisis. Or it could set up a now-familiar process of lawyers, essentially, pushing off the request to avoid such a crisis. Or it could be forgotten by the week’s end.”
+ You had me at hereby…The Atlantic: “The tweet on its own terms is alarming. It’s a statement of intent to issue a specific investigative demand of the Justice Department for entirely self-interested and overtly political reasons. And Trump published it in the absence of a shred of evidence that might support the demanded action.” Donald Trump Has All the Power.