Me Too, Infinity War

The scariest six words in journalism: Ronan Farrow is on the phone. Last night, Farrow and Jane Mayer broke the latest story in the MeToo saga as they reported on four women who accused New York’s high profile Attorney General Eric Schneiderman of physical abuse.

+ Ag Reflex: Within 3 hours of the story being published, Schneiderman was out as AG.

+ WaPo: Trump’s long, angry feud with the New York attorney general now accused of abusing women.

+ Yesterday, Schneiderman’s office was investigating why the NYC DA didn’t pursue leads against Harvey Weinstein. Today, the NYC DA is investigating MeToo claims against Schneiderman. This lede in Bloomberg is a pretty clear reminder of just how widespread this scourge really is: “First Eric Schneiderman was investigating Cy Vance Jr. Now Cy Vance Jr. is investigating Eric Schneiderman.”

+ Meanwhile, at Nike, 11 senior managers have left “the company as it continues to overhaul its upper ranks amid widespread allegations of harassment and discrimination against female employees.”

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