The Flood Gates

“At some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved!” The president continued to rail out against the Justice Department as we learned of new shakeups in his legal team. Ty Cobb is out, and Clinton impeachment lawyer Emmet Flood is reportedly in. Sources said Cobb was uncomfortable with the president’s tweets. (Ya think?)

+ WaPo reports that Mueller has raised the prospect that he could subpoena Trump. From Vox: Can Mueller subpoena Trump? Legal experts say yes — but it’s tricky.

+ NYT: Why Answering Mueller’s Questions Could Be a Minefield for Trump. (I’m not a lawyer, but let me just throw out a layperson’s guess: Because he lies constantly?)

+ Meanwhile, here’s another example of just how much international intrigue is associated with this mess. From the NYT: Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation. “The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.”

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