Boss Examination

You have the right to remain silent. In addition to its original usage, maybe that line should be part of the presidential swearing in ceremony; because Robert Mueller’s list of questions for Trump makes it clear that the president’s words (and Tweets) can and will be used against him. That’s just one of the things that stands out in list of questions the special counsel has for Donald Trump. From Michael Schmidt at the NYT: Mueller Has Dozens of Inquiries for Trump in Broad Quest on Russia Ties and Obstruction: “The open-ended queries appear to be an attempt to penetrate the president’s thinking, to get at the motivation behind some of his most combative Twitter posts and to examine his relationships with his family and his closest advisers.”

+ Interro-Gate: The topics cover so much ground that even Siri and Alexa would get sick of all the questions. Flynn, Comey, McCabe, Manafort, Sessions, Don Jr, Michael Cohen, Felix Sater, Putin, Stone, Assange, Erik Prince. Bobby Three Sticks has so many lines of inquiry about so many people that I was a bit surprised not to see Kanye West on the list. More from the NYT: The Questions Mueller Wants to Ask Trump About Obstruction, and What They Mean.

+ The Art of the Spiel: Trump took to Twitter to rail about the questions being leaked (even though the leak probably originated with his own legal team). He also claimed that there are no questions about collusion (there actually are, bigly, including this whopper: “What knowledge did you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential assistance to the campaign?”). In another tweet, Trump explained that “It would seem very hard to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened.” (Editor’s note: that’s not actually how the law works.)

+ You Can’t Handle the Truth: Now that we have an idea of what Mueller wants to know, the big question is whether Trump will ever sit down for an interview. That would be a risky proposition. Consider that Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far as president. And the pace of those lies has actually accelerated over time. (Trump might be better off skipping the Mueller interview and just doing a Reddit AMA instead…)

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